
☾The Mysticism of Pisces☾
Kind, gentle Pisces are known for clairvoyant leanings and creative pursuits that bring people together. Shop our Pisces pendant necklace and drop earrings to celebrate the season. As the last sign...

☆It's Scorpio Season!☆
Zodiac jewelry for Scorpio season - the most mysterious, sensual, and alluring time of the year.

☆The Age of Aquarius Jewelry☆
The age of Aquarius is upon us. Learn about the Aquarius sun sign and our meaningful zodiac pendant necklaces and Aquarius drop earrings.

☆Harness The Magic of Moon Jewelry☾
Moon jewelry inspiration comes from the femininity and magic of the moon, it's history, and the storytelling surrounding its existence.

☾Gold Plate My Heart☾
Gold-plated jewelry is a wonderfully weightless addition to your jewelry box. With a little care, they can last forever.

☆Jewelry That Transforms the Body and Soul☆
Butterflies and the natural world inspire our lightweight, delicate jewelry, as well as our intentions for transparency.

☾Jewelry You'll Smile About From Ear-To-Ear☾
"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but my heart"
- the most splendid Judy Garland.
The part of people we commune with most is their face. A shining beacon of smiles and sorrow, freck...

☆Who Is Denver Jewelry Designer Rael Cohen☆
Jewelry designer Rael Cohen discusses her life and inspiration.